The Writing Sample . .
Topics for a sample
I would like a sample of your writing. Please read the
directions below, then using your word processor, write on one
of the two topics.
The Requirements
You must do the writing
yourself. You have 60 minutes to complete the assignment. Don't take
longer. You may take less time. Please use this time to think, make
notes, and draft and revise. You may use a spell check function in the
word processing program. You may not have/use other editorial assistance.
The Prompt . . .
Please do not
write on both topics. I would suggest you look at both and see which one
you feel most comfortable writing on.
This assignment is due on or before Thursday of the first week. If
you are enrolling late, it is due immediately—within one day.
When you finish, print out the assignment. Please include your name, the course you are in, the
date, and the
prompt name. For example:
Jayne Scholar
English 081
June 27, 2002
Prompt One: The
Imagine you have received an inheritance from a previously unknown
but very wealthy uncle. When all is finished, taxes paid, and so on, you
have several million dollars, but (isn’t there always a
"but"?) you have
to spend $1.0 million for a worthy purpose or cause. Choose your
"purpose or cause" and give at least three reasons why your
choice is "worthy." You cannot spend any of your other money
until you have completed this condition of the will.
Prompt Two: Music
We are almost immersed in music. We hear it in our
homes, the supermarket, the elevator, the department store, in our own
car or from the car next to us at a stop light. Write about music, but
focus or limit the topic and write at least three paragraphs in support
of your thesis or statement of purpose.