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These quizzes are set up to provide you a review and self-assessment of common mechanics and grammar problems. Please take them in the order that they are given in the class schedule and read the related material in the Handbook before taking a quiz. 

Do not send the results to me. If I wanted the results of the quizzes, I would have them sent to me automatically. The due dates are to give you a schedule; they are not dates to turn quizzes in to me. 

Passing Score
The experiences of previous students indicate that you need a score of at least 85 percent, preferably higher on each quiz in order to do well on the final. You may take the quizzes any number of times. You should eventually score 85 percent or better (preferably 100 percent) on each one. After you score well on them, wait a week or two, go back, take one again. See if you still remember what you learned. 

You will  have only one opportunity to take and get all of the points on the final exam. If you have to take the final more than once to pass (85 percent), you will lose points. The points on the final count toward your final grade. 

A word of caution: Study and take these as you go along. Letting the quizzes pile up and then trying to take all of them at the end will likely make us both unhappy. That is why I set due dates on them. On the other hand, if you would like to study ahead and finish all of these early, please do so. In fact, I would encourage it. 

Mechanics Quizzes

Fragments 1 Capitalization 1
Fragments 2 Capitalization 2
Fragments 3 Pronouns 1
Punctuation 1 Pronouns 2
Punctuation 2 Word Confusion 1
Punctuation 3
Possessives 1 Mechanics Midterm 2
Possessives 2 Mechanics Final 
Mechanics Midterm 1 Spelling Quiz 1
Dangling/Misplaced Modifiers 1 Spelling Quiz 2
Dangling/Misplaced Modifiers 2 Spelling Final